пятница, 22 февраля 2019 г.




I had no idea how long we would be trapped underground, or even which way we should go. I've heard tales of such magical items, and we can certainly use it now. There was peace among Elves and the other races such as Humans and Dwarves, and evil creatures were driven deep within the earth. I challenge you, stand and face me! Without laws we are like beasts in the desert, fighting over scraps of meat. Zhul: Have some more faith, girl, the goddess does not send us more than we can handle. Kaleh: Garak Possessed Garak: Hahahaha! What kind of world could I be able to create for future generations of our people? Dwarf Ally Ally: I go now to join my forefathers. So we'd best be extra careful.

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Not a good place to be. Darkness shall reign until I have triumphed! This game is over, now I can leave this shell of a body. I was not prone to dreaming, but as I slept I had a strange vision. If the undead have captured it Moved Unit: This encampment has been abandoned. Nym: C'mon Kaleh, we have to go see if anyone is hurt or needs help. Elyssa: He was as brave and valiant a fighter as I have ever seen in my travels.

Uniform Task


Kaleh: We need that water, and if we have to go through you to get it, so be it. It's the highest land for miles around, and has a spring at its base, or did the last time I camped there. Most disturbing was the way the nights lengthened, creating the long dark we suffer today. Our people had grown weak and soft in the time of peace and plenty and were ill-suited to cope with these new trials. Narrator: One unit wearing this ring is immune to any damage caused during the day by the heat of the desert. I know that undead cultists often prey on small targets, but they haven't had the guts to attack us for years.

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Garak: This ruined castle must be where the ogres make their home. Zhul: All things of this world come to an end, but the power of Eloh endures. Nym: Kaleh, be careful you don't recruit too many guards to go with us. Panok is seen Panok: These elves are stronger than we thought. Garak Decies to Challenge the Champions Garak: These champions. This night has lasted long enough, and too many of our people have died.



I shall show you a taste of my true power. Eloh will always protect us, if we follow her path. Possessed Garak: I live again! Kaleh: The keep has been crushed by the rocks. Vengeful Lord is seen night time only Vengeful Lord: The most hated living in my castle! It seemed a glorious victory, and I hardly noticed our elven brethren lying dead in the sand. The next thing I remember, someone was bending over me shaking me awake. Final Battle Kaleh: To die on the cusp of victory. Nym: And these look like camps and patrol routes.



Scorpion death event Kaleh: The scorpions were devouring some poor person's body. Plastic coated outer panel and galvanised steel inner panel. Only Eloh knows the truth of what happened tonight. He and his fighters have survived the night! Maybe that's why he was moving so fast. Soon we got to the end of the foothills, and we decided to rest there for the night. Former friends fought over what few resources remained, and chaos threatened to overwhelm us all.

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With Eloh's grace we shall yet triumph over this pretender. Only Eloh knows the truth of what happened tonight. We must destroy one of those two evils, whatever the cost. Kaleh: To battle, my friends! Garak: Protect the boy for me Zhul, cough I go to a better place. It looks like even more undead! But in the golden age they were very helpful in our wars against the orcs and trolls. Our equipment was scattered across the dunes or buried in the sand.



Kaleh: It seems to like you, looks like you just got yourself a pet. We must destroy one of those two evils, whatever the cost. More Mudcrawlers are Seen Kaleh More of these muddy crawlies, let's get rid of them with haste. Moved Unit: The blade is chill to the touch and gives off a cold glow. Elyssa: He was as brave and valiant a fighter as I have ever seen in my travels. Even the long dark can't last forever, and with the light of the sun the undead power wanes and their dark magics unravel. Your puny friend is no more.

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